Competing in Local Leagues

We play in the Bromley and Croydon leagues in the Winter (September – April) and in the Bromley league in the Summer (May – August). 

Bromley League

We have 23 players in 4 teams representing Wickham Park in Bromley. 

Each team has its own designated Home night, which can be Mondays or Wednesdays, depending on the team. 

Checkout the latest results and table standings on the offical website here:

Bromley Table Tennis League

Croydon League

We have 30 players in 5 teams representing Wickham Park in Bromley. 

As for the Bromley league, Home matches are Mondays and Wednesdays. 

Check out the latest results and table standings on the offical website here:

Croydon Table Tennis League



New players welcome. We have teams registered in most divisions, offering new members the chance to compete at the level at which they feel most comfortable. Players can chose their own level of involvment based on their other commitments.